──►Colecții Speciale ──►Periodice |
──►Anale ──►CD-uri |
──►Carte cu autograf ──►Donații |
──►Fondul „Profesor Voicu Ichim” ──►Fondul Tatiana Slama-Cazacu |
Nr. Crt. | Autor | Titlu | Loc | Editura | An |
1 | Rondal, j. | Langage et communication | Bruxelles | Pierre Mardaga | s.a. |
2 | Symbols and Sentiments | New York | Academic | 1977 | |
3 | Edwards, A. | The practice | Amsterdam | Benjamins | 1995 |
4 | Peer, W. | Stylistics and psychology | Hampshire | Croom | 1986 |
5 | Language and man | Paris | Mouton | 1976 | |
6 | Interferences in text | New York | N. Holland | 1991 | |
7 | Jones, R. | Emerging patterns of literarcy | New York | Rontledge | 1996 |
8 | The Social context | New York | Willey | 1978 | |
9 | Calame-Grianle, G. | Ethnologie | New York | Gallimard | 1965 |
10 | Chomsky, N. | Aspects... | New York | Massachutts | 1965 |
11 | Cognitive aspects | New York | Springer | 1983 | |
12 | A Case for Psycholingvistic | Philadelphia | Benjamins | 1991 | |
13 | Slobin, D. | Psycholinguistics | Illinois | Scott | 1971 |
14 | Dialogue analysis | Tubingen | M. Niemeyre | 2005 | |
15 | Psycholinguistic models | Norwood | Ablex | 1987 | |
16 | Discourse development | New York | Springer | 1984 | |
17 | Handbook of second | New York | Aademic | 1996 | |
18 | Titone, R. | La Psicolinguistica | Roma | Libreria | 1993 |
19 | Seleskovitch, D. | Interpreter | sl | se | 1984 |
20 | Recent trends in soviet | New York | Sharpe | 1978 | |
21 | Aitchison, J. | Words in the mind | Oxford | Blackwell | 1994 |
22 | Language interpretation | New York | Plenum | 1978 | |
23 | Social context of messages | London | Academic | 1971 | |
24 | Lingvistica aplicata | New Yotk | Plenum | 1978 | |
25 | Comunication and relation | San Diego | se | 1994 | |
26 | Bourhis, R. | Stereotypes, discrimination et relation intergroupes | Liege | Mardaga | 1994 |
27 | Gender and conversation | Oxford | University | 1993 | |
28 | Prucha, J. | Pragmalinguistics | Philadelphia | J. Benjamins | 1983 |
29 | Houis, M. | Antrpologie | Paris | Univ. | 1971 |
30 | Peterfalvi, J-M | Introduction... | Paris | Univ. | 1970 |
31 | Doca, Gh. | Analyse psycho linguistique des erreurs faites lors de lapprentissage dune langue etrangere | București | Academia Ro. | 1981 |
32 | Kess, J. | Psychology... | Amsterdam | Benjamins | 1992 |
33 | Simache, D. | Comunicarea... | București | Univ. | 2010 |
34 | Geoffrey, N. | Phonology | Philadelphia | Benjamins | 2008 |
35 | Palmer, H. | The priciples | London | Oxford | 1974 |
36 | Chițoran, D. | Limba engleză | București | EDP | 1970 |
37 | Chițoran, D. | Elements of... | București | EDP | 1973 |
38 | Relații interdisciplinare | Cluj | Univ. | 1989 | |
39 | Psycholinguistics | Moskva | se | 1972 | |
40 | Halliday, M | An introduction | New York | se | 1985 |
41 | Berner-Hurbin | Psycholinguistic | Switzerland | Verlag | 1974 |
42 | Handbook of psychologi | New York | Willey | 1995 | |
43 | Matthei, E | Understanding | sl | Fontana | 1983 |
44 | Alvar, M. | En torno | Mexico | Instituto... | 1978 |
45 | Pride, J. | The social | London | Oxford | 1971 |
46 | Lefebvre, H. | Le langage | sl | Gallimard | 1966 |
47 | Bronckart, J. | Psycholinguistique | Paris | Delachme | 1983 |
48 | Herrmann, T. | Spech... | New York | Springer | 1982 |
49 | Psycholinguitics | New york | Holt | 1961 | |
50 | Proceedings | Heidelberg | Verlag | 1974 | |
51 | The Production... | Berlin | Springer | 1981 | |
52 | Language in social | Stanford | Univ. | 1971 | |
53 | The ontogenesis | Berkely | Academic | 1971 | |
54 | Fairclongh, N. | Language... | New york | Longman | 1989 |
55 | Graesser, A | Prosecomprehension | Berlin | spronger | 1981 |
56 | Sanford, A | Understending | Glasgow | Willey | 1981 |
57 | Trnka, B. | Selected papers | Berlin | Monton | 1982 |
58 | Slama-Cazacu, T | Dialogul la copii | București | Academia | 1961 |
59 | Hutchby, J. | Confrontation... | Mahwah | Erlbourn | 1996 |
60 | Lingvistica moderna | București | Univ. | 1981 | |
61 | Quantitative linguistics | Bachuin | Verlag | 1980 | |
62 | Miller, G | The psychologye | London | Penguin | 1969 |
63 | Jakobovits, L | The context | Rowley | Newbury | 1974 |
64 | Human communication | New york | Holt | 1967 | |
65 | Schiffrin, D. | Discourse... | Cambridge | Univ. | 1987 |
66 | Uribe-Villegas | Sociolinguistica | Mexico | Univ | 1970 |
67 | Carroll, B | Testing communic.... | New york | Pergamon | 1980 |
68 | Howe, C. | Language learning | Hove | Lawrence | 1993 |
69 | The relation ship... | Paris | Monton | 1980 | |
70 | Verbal behavior... | Englewood | Prentice | 1968 | |
71 | Lingvistica aplicata | Bucuresti | Univ. | 1977 | |
72 | Valette, R. | Modern language | New York | Boston | 1967 |
73 | Guillame, G. | Language... | Quebec | Univ | 1969 |
74 | Titone, R | La psicolinguistica | Pas | Verlag | 1964 |
75 | Research in text theory | New York | Gruyter | 1983 | |
76 | Dynamic contexts | Bologna | Chebs | 1994 | |
77 | Titone, R | Second language | Milano | ISFAP | 1987 |
78 | Language learning | Bloomington | Najan | 1966 | |
79 | Invatarea limbii | București | se | 1973 | |
80 | Linguistica medievale | Bari | Adriatica | 1983 | |
81 | Vianu, T | Studii metodologice | București | Soc. Științe | 1976 |
82 | Text linguistics | s.l | Turkn | 1978 | |
83 | Oleron,P. | Langage et... | Bruxelles | Desart | S.a |
84 | Martin, H. | Speech communication | Boston | Allyn | 1968 |
85 | Psycholinguistics on the threshold of the year 2000 | Porto | Reinbo | 1999 | |
86 | Le Ny, J. | La semantique | Paris | Presses | S.a |
87 | Journal of literary | Paris | Monton | 1972 | |
88 | Munby, J. | Communicative | Cambridge | Univ. | 1978 |
89 | Jacob, A. | Les exigences | Paris | Editions | 1970 |
90 | Lewis, G. | Bilingualism | Oxford | Pergamon | 1981 |
91 | Palmer, A. | The principles of language | London | Univ. | 1965 |
92 | Thom, F. | Limba de lemn | București | Humanitas | 1993 |
93 | Children using language. An approach to english in the primary school | London | Oxford | 1971 | |
94 | Palmer, H. | The scientific | London | Oxford | 1968 |
95 | Kess, J. | Psycholinguistics | London | Academic | 1976 |
96 | Flanagan, J. | Speech analysis | New York | Verlag | 1965 |
97 | The genesis of children using | London | M.I.T. | 1966 | |
98 | Rommetveit, R. | Words, meanings and messages | Oslo | Insitute | 1968 |
99 | The Language of Social | London | Collier | 1966 | |
100 | Garvin, P. | Antologia de estudias de etnolinguistica | Mexico | Instituto de Investigaciones | 1974 |
101 | The prague school | London | Oxford | 1972 | |
102 | Questions and politeness | London | Cambridge | 1972 | |
103 | Language learning | Dublin | IRAAL | 1984 | |
104 | Broadbeut, D.E. | Perception and communication | London | Pergamon | 1964 |
105 | Adler, M. | Some questions | Ilinois | Open Court | 1976 |
106 | Marcus, N | Introd. lingvistica | București | Ed. Științifică | 1966 |
107 | Palmer, H. | English through | London | Longman | 1970 |
108 | Uhlenbeck, E.M | Critical | Haga | Smits | S.a |
109 | Titone, R. | Bilinguismo | Roma | Armando | 1972 |
110 | Wilkinson, A | The foundation | Oxford | Univ | 1971 |
111 | Leontiev, A | Psychology | Oxford | Pergamon | 1981 |
112 | Vygotsky, L. S. | Thought... | Cambridge | MIT | 1965 |
113 | Lanchec, J. | Psycholinguistique | s.l. | Univ | 1976 |
114 | Titone, R. | Glottodidacttica | Bergamo | Minerva | 1983 |
115 | Il discorse | Napoli | Guida | 2003 | |
116 | Teaching foreign | Oxford | Bergamon | 1979 | |
117 | The philosophy of... | Oxford | Univ | 1971 | |
118 | Steinberg, D. | Psycholinguistics | London | Longman | 1982 |
119 | Strevents, P. | New orientation | Oxford | Univ | 1977 |
120 | Avamposti della psicolinguistica applicata | Roma | Armando | 1981 | |
121 | Advances in psycholinguistic | London | W. Holand | 1970 | |
122 | Wardhangh, R. | Investigating | Cambridge | Blackwell | 1993 |
123 | Speech language | New York | Academic | 1995 | |
124 | Hayashi, K | The environments | Osaka | Kamsai | 1995 |
125 | Social markers | London | Cambridge | 1979 | |
126 | Bickerton, D | Language and humanbehavior | Seatle | Univ | 1995 |
127 | Sasaki, M | Teoretical vol.6 | New York | Peterlang | s.a |
128 | Danziger, K | Interpersonal communication | New York | Pergamon | 1976 |
129 | Mey, J | Pragmatics | Oxford | Blackwell | 1993 |
130 | Scientific and humanistic | Amsterdam | Benjamins | 1985 | |
131 | Ballmer, T. | Speech act classification: a study in the lexical analysis of english speech activity verbs | New York | Springer | 1981 |
132 | Scherer, G | A Psycholinguistic | New York | MC Graw | 1964 |
133 | Bettinghams, E | Persuasive | New York | Holt | 1968 |
134 | Directions in psycholinguistics | New York | Corrier | 1965 | |
135 | Duncan, S | Face to face | New jersey | LEA | 1977 |
136 | Di Pietro | Language struct. | Massachusettes | Newbury | 1971 |
137 | Current Issues | Amsterdam | Benjamins | 1996 | |
138 | Den Haese | Aila brussels | Brussel | s.e. | s.a. |
139 | Staats, A. | Learning, language and cognition | New York | Rinehard | 1968 |
140 | Savic, S. | How twist | New York | Acad | 1980 |
141 | Ritchie,Key | Non-verbal | Metuchen | Carecrok | 1977 |
142 | Toward a psychology of reading an language | Athens | The Univ. of Georgia Press | 1977 | |
143 | Talking to children | Cambridge | Univ. | 1977 | |
144 | Mehler, J. | Textes pour une psycholinguitique | Paris | Monton | 1974 |
145 | Evaluation and language | Bern | P. Lang | 1992 | |
146 | Lyons, J. | Chomsky | London | Fontana | 1970 |
147 | Harris, Z. | Structural linguistics | London | Phoenix | 1963 |
148 | Krashen, S. | Second Language | New York | Pergamon | 1981 |
149 | Lado,R. | Linguistics across | Michigan | Univ. | 1957 |
150 | Academic writing | Amsterdam | Benjamins | 1996 | |
151 | Studies in syntax | Berkely | Univ. | 1974 | |
152 | Rommetveit, R. | On message | London | Willey | 1974 |
153 | The Psychology of second language learning | Cambridge | Univ | 1971 | |
154 | Problems of sociolinguistics | Sofia | s.e. | 1990 | |
155 | Oancea, E. | Semiostilistică | Timișoara | Excelsior | 1998 |
156 | Calbris, G. | Geste et communication | Paris | Hatier | 1989 |
157 | Proceedings of the fourth 3 vol. | Stuttgard | Hoch Schul | 1976 | |
158 | Schaff, A. | Introducere semantica | București | Științifică | 1966 |
159 | Cherry, C. | On human | London | s.e. | 1970 |
160 | Robins, R. H. | Breve histoire | Paris | Seuil | 1967 |
170 | Terwilliger, R. | Meaning and mind:a study in the psychology of language | London | Oxford | 1968 |
171 | Women in their speeach | London | Longman | 1988 | |
172 | Thumb, A. | Experimentelle 2 vol. | Amsterdam | Benjamins | 1978 |
173 | Hormann, H. | Psychologie | Berlin | Verlag | 1978 |
174 | Malmberg, B. | Phoenetics | New York | Daver | 1963 |
175 | Slip of the tangue | New York | Monton | s.a. | |
176 | Mackey, W. | Bilinguisme | Paris | Klincksieck | 1976 |
177 | Equality in language | s.l. | Julkaisuja | 1987 | |
178 | Oleron, P. | L' enfant et ... | s.l. | Univ | 1979 |
179 | Irimiaș, G | Structuri textuale | Cluj | Clusium | 2003 |
180 | Chomsky, N. | Language and mind | New York | Harcourt | 1968 |
181 | Hormann, H. | Psycholinguistics | Berlin | Springer | 1979 |
182 | Psycholinguistics | Caen | Univ. | s.a. | |
183 | Iordan. I. | Lingvistica | București | Academia | 1962 |
184 | Languages in contact | Berlin | Monton | 1991 | |
185 | Slama-Cazacu | Langage et contexte | Haga | Monton | 1961 |
186 | The dinamics of dialogue | London | Harvester | 1990 | |
187 | Tannen, D. | Talking voices | New York | Univ | 1989 |
188 | Towards a cross-linguistic assessment of speech production | Frankfurt | Verlag | 1980 | |
189 | Rey-Debove | Semiotique | Paris | Puf | 1979 |
190 | Aconstic phonetic | Cambridge | Univ. | 1976 | |
191 | Slama - Cazacu | Introduction to psycholinguistics | Paris | Monton | 1973 |
192 | Jakobson, R. | Essais 2 vol | s.l. | Arguments | s.a. |
193 | Chomski, N. | La fabbrica del consenso | Milano | Il Saggiatore | 2008 |
194 | Lexical acces | Cambridge | Black Well | 1992 | |
195 | Rey, A. | La Lexicologie | Paris | Klincksieck | 1970 |
196 | Hjelmslev, L. | Le langage | Parisd | Arguments | 1966 |
197 | Relatii interdisciplinare | Cluj | Centrul | 1989 | |
198 | Cahiers de linguitique | București | Academiei | 1962 | |
199 | Ponzio, A. | La semiotica | Bari | Dedalo | 1976 |
200 | Coșeriu, E. | Teoria del lenguaje y linguistica general | Madrid | Bibl. Romanica | 1967 |
201 | Essays in semantics | Amsterdam | Benjamins | 1995 | |
202 | Selected papers | Indiana | Univ | 1968 | |
203 | Richelle, M. | L'Acquistion | Bruxelles | C. Dessart | 1971 |
204 | Cercetări asupra comunicării | București | Academiei | 1973 | |
205 | Bohme, K. | Children | Nijmegen | Katholieke | 1983 |
206 | Politics as text | Amsterdam | Benjamin | 2002 | |
207 | Biological and social | Cambridge | Logos | 1971 | |
208 | Mc Shane, J. | Learning to talk | New York | Univ | 1980 |
209 | Sapir, E. | Anthropologie | Paris | Edit. Deminuit | 1967 |
210 | Piaget, J. | The Language | London | Routledge | 1959 |
211 | Concept development | Berlin | Springer | 1983 | |
212 | Language and communication | New York | Longman | 1983 | |
213 | Explorations in communication | Boston | Beacon | 1960 | |
214 | Guillaume, G. | Langage | Paris | Univ | 1964 |