Biblioteca Universității Ovidius din Constanța - Colecții

──►Colecții Speciale




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──►Fondul „Profesor Voicu Ichim”

──►Fondul Tatiana Slama-Cazacu



Nr. Crt. Autor Titlu Loc Editura An
1 Rondal, j. Langage et communication Bruxelles Pierre Mardaga s.a.
2 Symbols and Sentiments New York Academic 1977
3 Edwards, A. The practice Amsterdam Benjamins 1995
4 Peer, W. Stylistics and psychology Hampshire Croom 1986
5 Language and man Paris Mouton 1976
6 Interferences in text New York N. Holland 1991
7 Jones, R. Emerging patterns of literarcy New York Rontledge 1996
8 The Social context New York Willey 1978
9 Calame-Grianle, G. Ethnologie New York Gallimard 1965
10 Chomsky, N. Aspects... New York Massachutts 1965
11 Cognitive aspects New York Springer 1983
12 A Case for Psycholingvistic Philadelphia Benjamins 1991
13 Slobin, D. Psycholinguistics Illinois Scott 1971
14 Dialogue analysis Tubingen M. Niemeyre 2005
15 Psycholinguistic models Norwood Ablex 1987
16 Discourse development New York Springer 1984
17 Handbook of second New York Aademic 1996
18 Titone, R. La Psicolinguistica Roma Libreria 1993
19 Seleskovitch, D. Interpreter sl se 1984
20 Recent trends in soviet New York Sharpe 1978
21 Aitchison, J. Words in the mind Oxford Blackwell 1994
22 Language interpretation New York Plenum 1978
23 Social context of messages London Academic 1971
24 Lingvistica aplicata New Yotk Plenum 1978
25 Comunication and relation San Diego se 1994
26 Bourhis, R. Stereotypes, discrimination et relation intergroupes Liege Mardaga 1994
27 Gender and conversation Oxford University 1993
28 Prucha, J. Pragmalinguistics Philadelphia J. Benjamins 1983
29 Houis, M. Antrpologie Paris Univ. 1971
30 Peterfalvi, J-M Introduction... Paris Univ. 1970
31 Doca, Gh. Analyse psycho linguistique des erreurs faites lors de lapprentissage dune langue etrangere București Academia Ro. 1981
32 Kess, J. Psychology... Amsterdam Benjamins 1992
33 Simache, D. Comunicarea... București Univ. 2010
34 Geoffrey, N. Phonology Philadelphia Benjamins 2008
35 Palmer, H. The priciples London Oxford 1974
36 Chițoran, D. Limba engleză București EDP 1970
37 Chițoran, D. Elements of... București EDP 1973
38 Relații interdisciplinare Cluj Univ. 1989
39 Psycholinguistics Moskva se 1972
40 Halliday, M An introduction New York se 1985
41 Berner-Hurbin Psycholinguistic Switzerland Verlag 1974
42 Handbook of psychologi New York Willey 1995
43 Matthei, E Understanding sl Fontana 1983
44 Alvar, M. En torno Mexico Instituto... 1978
45 Pride, J. The social London Oxford 1971
46 Lefebvre, H. Le langage sl Gallimard 1966
47 Bronckart, J. Psycholinguistique Paris Delachme 1983
48 Herrmann, T. Spech... New York Springer 1982
49 Psycholinguitics New york Holt 1961
50 Proceedings Heidelberg Verlag 1974
51 The Production... Berlin Springer 1981
52 Language in social Stanford Univ. 1971
53 The ontogenesis Berkely Academic 1971
54 Fairclongh, N. Language... New york Longman 1989
55 Graesser, A Prosecomprehension Berlin spronger 1981
56 Sanford, A Understending Glasgow Willey 1981
57 Trnka, B. Selected papers Berlin Monton 1982
58 Slama-Cazacu, T Dialogul la copii București Academia 1961
59 Hutchby, J. Confrontation... Mahwah Erlbourn 1996
60 Lingvistica moderna București Univ. 1981
61 Quantitative linguistics Bachuin Verlag 1980
62 Miller, G The psychologye London Penguin 1969
63 Jakobovits, L The context Rowley Newbury 1974
64 Human communication New york Holt 1967
65 Schiffrin, D. Discourse... Cambridge Univ. 1987
66 Uribe-Villegas Sociolinguistica Mexico Univ 1970
67 Carroll, B Testing communic.... New york Pergamon 1980
68 Howe, C. Language learning Hove Lawrence 1993
69 The relation ship... Paris Monton 1980
70 Verbal behavior... Englewood Prentice 1968
71 Lingvistica aplicata Bucuresti Univ. 1977
72 Valette, R. Modern language New York Boston 1967
73 Guillame, G. Language... Quebec Univ 1969
74 Titone, R La psicolinguistica Pas Verlag 1964
75 Research in text theory New York Gruyter 1983
76 Dynamic contexts Bologna Chebs 1994
77 Titone, R Second language Milano ISFAP 1987
78 Language learning Bloomington Najan 1966
79 Invatarea limbii București se 1973
80 Linguistica medievale Bari Adriatica 1983
81 Vianu, T Studii metodologice București Soc. Științe 1976
82 Text linguistics s.l Turkn 1978
83 Oleron,P. Langage et... Bruxelles Desart S.a
84 Martin, H. Speech communication Boston Allyn 1968
85 Psycholinguistics on the threshold of the year 2000 Porto Reinbo 1999
86 Le Ny, J. La semantique Paris Presses S.a
87 Journal of literary Paris Monton 1972
88 Munby, J. Communicative Cambridge Univ. 1978
89 Jacob, A. Les exigences Paris Editions 1970
90 Lewis, G. Bilingualism Oxford Pergamon 1981
91 Palmer, A. The principles of language London Univ. 1965
92 Thom, F. Limba de lemn București Humanitas 1993
93 Children using language. An approach to english in the primary school London Oxford 1971
94 Palmer, H. The scientific London Oxford 1968
95 Kess, J. Psycholinguistics London Academic 1976
96 Flanagan, J. Speech analysis New York Verlag 1965
97 The genesis of children using London M.I.T. 1966
98 Rommetveit, R. Words, meanings and messages Oslo Insitute 1968
99 The Language of Social London Collier 1966
100 Garvin, P. Antologia de estudias de etnolinguistica Mexico Instituto de Investigaciones 1974
101 The prague school London Oxford 1972
102 Questions and politeness London Cambridge 1972
103 Language learning Dublin IRAAL 1984
104 Broadbeut, D.E. Perception and communication London Pergamon 1964
105 Adler, M. Some questions Ilinois Open Court 1976
106 Marcus, N Introd. lingvistica București Ed. Științifică 1966
107 Palmer, H. English through London Longman 1970
108 Uhlenbeck, E.M Critical Haga Smits S.a
109 Titone, R. Bilinguismo Roma Armando 1972
110 Wilkinson, A The foundation Oxford Univ 1971
111 Leontiev, A Psychology Oxford Pergamon 1981
112 Vygotsky, L. S. Thought... Cambridge MIT 1965
113 Lanchec, J. Psycholinguistique s.l. Univ 1976
114 Titone, R. Glottodidacttica Bergamo Minerva 1983
115 Il discorse Napoli Guida 2003
116 Teaching foreign Oxford Bergamon 1979
117 The philosophy of... Oxford Univ 1971
118 Steinberg, D. Psycholinguistics London Longman 1982
119 Strevents, P. New orientation Oxford Univ 1977
120 Avamposti della psicolinguistica applicata Roma Armando 1981
121 Advances in psycholinguistic London W. Holand 1970
122 Wardhangh, R. Investigating Cambridge Blackwell 1993
123 Speech language New York Academic 1995
124 Hayashi, K The environments Osaka Kamsai 1995
125 Social markers London Cambridge 1979
126 Bickerton, D Language and humanbehavior Seatle Univ 1995
127 Sasaki, M Teoretical vol.6 New York Peterlang s.a
128 Danziger, K Interpersonal communication New York Pergamon 1976
129 Mey, J Pragmatics Oxford Blackwell 1993
130 Scientific and humanistic Amsterdam Benjamins 1985
131 Ballmer, T. Speech act classification: a study in the lexical analysis of english speech activity verbs New York Springer 1981
132 Scherer, G A Psycholinguistic New York MC Graw 1964
133 Bettinghams, E Persuasive New York Holt 1968
134 Directions in psycholinguistics New York Corrier 1965
135 Duncan, S Face to face New jersey LEA 1977
136 Di Pietro Language struct. Massachusettes Newbury 1971
137 Current Issues Amsterdam Benjamins 1996
138 Den Haese Aila brussels Brussel s.e. s.a.
139 Staats, A. Learning, language and cognition New York Rinehard 1968
140 Savic, S. How twist New York Acad 1980
141 Ritchie,Key Non-verbal Metuchen Carecrok 1977
142 Toward a psychology of reading an language Athens The Univ. of Georgia Press 1977
143 Talking to children Cambridge Univ. 1977
144 Mehler, J. Textes pour une psycholinguitique Paris Monton 1974
145 Evaluation and language Bern P. Lang 1992
146 Lyons, J. Chomsky London Fontana 1970
147 Harris, Z. Structural linguistics London Phoenix 1963
148 Krashen, S. Second Language New York Pergamon 1981
149 Lado,R. Linguistics across Michigan Univ. 1957
150 Academic writing Amsterdam Benjamins 1996
151 Studies in syntax Berkely Univ. 1974
152 Rommetveit, R. On message London Willey 1974
153 The Psychology of second language learning Cambridge Univ 1971
154 Problems of sociolinguistics Sofia s.e. 1990
155 Oancea, E. Semiostilistică Timișoara Excelsior 1998
156 Calbris, G. Geste et communication Paris Hatier 1989
157 Proceedings of the fourth 3 vol. Stuttgard Hoch Schul 1976
158 Schaff, A. Introducere semantica București Științifică 1966
159 Cherry, C. On human London s.e. 1970
160 Robins, R. H. Breve histoire Paris Seuil 1967
170 Terwilliger, R. Meaning and mind:a study in the psychology of language London Oxford 1968
171 Women in their speeach London Longman 1988
172 Thumb, A. Experimentelle 2 vol. Amsterdam Benjamins 1978
173 Hormann, H. Psychologie Berlin Verlag 1978
174 Malmberg, B. Phoenetics New York Daver 1963
175 Slip of the tangue New York Monton s.a.
176 Mackey, W. Bilinguisme Paris Klincksieck 1976
177 Equality in language s.l. Julkaisuja 1987
178 Oleron, P. L' enfant et ... s.l. Univ 1979
179 Irimiaș, G Structuri textuale Cluj Clusium 2003
180 Chomsky, N. Language and mind New York Harcourt 1968
181 Hormann, H. Psycholinguistics Berlin Springer 1979
182 Psycholinguistics Caen Univ. s.a.
183 Iordan. I. Lingvistica București Academia 1962
184 Languages in contact Berlin Monton 1991
185 Slama-Cazacu Langage et contexte Haga Monton 1961
186 The dinamics of dialogue London Harvester 1990
187 Tannen, D. Talking voices New York Univ 1989
188 Towards a cross-linguistic assessment of speech production Frankfurt Verlag 1980
189 Rey-Debove Semiotique Paris Puf 1979
190 Aconstic phonetic Cambridge Univ. 1976
191 Slama - Cazacu Introduction to psycholinguistics Paris Monton 1973
192 Jakobson, R. Essais 2 vol s.l. Arguments s.a.
193 Chomski, N. La fabbrica del consenso Milano Il Saggiatore 2008
194 Lexical acces Cambridge Black Well 1992
195 Rey, A. La Lexicologie Paris Klincksieck 1970
196 Hjelmslev, L. Le langage Parisd Arguments 1966
197 Relatii interdisciplinare Cluj Centrul 1989
198 Cahiers de linguitique București Academiei 1962
199 Ponzio, A. La semiotica Bari Dedalo 1976
200 Coșeriu, E. Teoria del lenguaje y linguistica general Madrid Bibl. Romanica 1967
201 Essays in semantics Amsterdam Benjamins 1995
202 Selected papers Indiana Univ 1968
203 Richelle, M. L'Acquistion Bruxelles C. Dessart 1971
204 Cercetări asupra comunicării București Academiei 1973
205 Bohme, K. Children Nijmegen Katholieke 1983
206 Politics as text Amsterdam Benjamin 2002
207 Biological and social Cambridge Logos 1971
208 Mc Shane, J. Learning to talk New York Univ 1980
209 Sapir, E. Anthropologie Paris Edit. Deminuit 1967
210 Piaget, J. The Language London Routledge 1959
211 Concept development Berlin Springer 1983
212 Language and communication New York Longman 1983
213 Explorations in communication Boston Beacon 1960
214 Guillaume, G. Langage Paris Univ 1964